November 10, 2008

New Blog...

What can I say? I like change.
I decided to start a new blog here on Blogger and once I've transferred everything from Typepad and saved the archives on disc, then this will be my main blog and Typepad will be nixed.
(Dude...that'll save me $8.95 a month too!)

So...make sure to save
this link on your blog...k?
The name is:

peace out...


Kasey said...

I don't blame you on saving money every month. You'll save $100 a year you can spend on yourself then giving it to the blogging company. Thanks again for coming yesterday we had a great time!

Nevis said...

I totally get wanting to save money. That's why I use the free Wordpress blog!

Butler Family said...

hey Peg it is Linda! I saw your page on Liz's page and thought I would see how you are doing. What is your email address you use for this blog? Mine is on Private and I wanted to let you see my famiyl and everything. So email me your email address at I hope all is well with you and your family:)