January 10, 2011

pantry challenge...

 Life as a Mom's: Pantry Challenge

~Make the Most of What YOU Have This Month~
■For some that might mean digging deep into the cupboards and using up those odds and ends.
■For others that might mean
building a frugal pantry, scouting for good sales, and starting to stockpile items that you regularly use.
■Still others might want to give the pantry an overhaul and remove unhealthy items and replace those with more wholesome alternatives.
~Make this challenge fit YOU and YOUR life!~
So...I joined, even though the month has already started. I do what works for my family.
~As for ME, I’m going to attempt the following~
■Spend $100 (or less) a week on groceries. (I currently average $150 per week for a family of 6.)
■Focus on fresh produce and dairy.
■Bake from scratch....like bread!
■Eat up what’s in the freezer.
■Use less meat or use leftover meat to make another meal.
■Use coupons wisely.
■Build a better stockpile (healthier and more plentiful).

■Start Freezer Cooking

Meals this week:
Sunday: Pot Roast w/ carrots and potatoes in the crock- done
Monday: Tuna Noodle Casserole and homemade bread- done
Tuesday:  Pancakes and Bacon
Wednesday: TVP Chili
Thursday: Chili Nachos (using leftover chili)
Friday: Bisquick Chicken Pot Pie
Saturday: Burgers, baked beans, corn

Going to make applesauce muffins to use up some big jars of applesauce too.

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