it seems my life has been a tad bit busy these days. meetings, appointments, errands, cleaning, organizing paperwork, organizing rooms, phone calls, more appointments, more meetings, more errands...all for porter and autism.
autism takes a front seat. porter's health and happiness. learning more each day.
right now, we need house bill 1588 passed. we need government to hear our voices.
right now, we need to order a plethora of biomeds, probiotics and supplements for my little guy, porter... to heal his gut and promote good health. and it's all out of our pockets...unless the hb 1588 gets passed.
and so....
right now, i am getting back to balance in life. eating more raw foods, walking, breathing deeper, reading, relaxing techniques...balance. so, i may say 'no' to a few things in my life i would normally say 'yes' to. i do this for me. i do this for my family. i do this to create the balance needed so i can concentrate on the 'need tos' right now. and porter is a 'need to'.
and this is the 'season' in my life right now. i welcome it with an open heart...because HE is worth it and so much more!