March 20, 2012


yesterday he was dehydrated and needed a trip to the ER.

2 bags of fliud later and we found out he has a bad sinus infection...only. whew!

today...he's a happier boy!

March 17, 2012

Being a Geek is Good....

Cameron just got his acceptance letter into the Science and Medicince Academy at Deep Creek High!

a busy Saturday around here...

James is cleaning out the garage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 15, 2012

Spring is here....

Just a few of my Garden Supplies I got start seedlings indoors.

I also joined a gardening site called: folia. Folia is the best garden organizer software on the web!!!

Designed from the ground up to help make you a more efficient and better gardener, we make getting organized in the garden a snap, whilst also giving you the ability to showcase your garden, show off your beautiful plants and communicate with other growers in your area and around the world.

“ Folia provides a user-friendly dashboard tool to help users know what plants are being sown and harvested, as well as weather forecasts, seed organizing, and photo organizing so that your garden can grow at its best. ” Planet Green / Discovery Channel
“ Plant geeks will think they've died and gone to that great garden in the sky...seems like a cool way to keep garden records - much cooler and easier than using my tattered spiral notebook. ” Garden Rant

Sophie is relaxed....

....and definately a member of our family!

March 11, 2012

Meet Sophie...

Porter's Teacher's Mother has althziemers and went into a Nursing Home. She had a female Pug she rescued as a young Pug...who is now about 4 years. The Teacher asked us if we wanted the Pug or they'd have to give her to the SPCA....of course we immediately said we'd take her. She arrived at our house tonight 6:30pm (March 10th). She's a sweetheart!

Our other 2 Pugs, Yuka and Yoda are happy to have her and they are all getting along nicely. Only bad thing is...she came to us with fleas! James is now bathing her with Dawn dish soap(we heard it here on Pug Village to use that) and he has a flea dip and flea comb. We'll wash all bedding tomorrow in borax, vacuum the entire house well, tea tree spray her coat, add omega 3 to her food and we always borax the yard anyways (our other pugs never have fleas) and when we take her to the Vet we'll make sure she gets on Flea Control hopefully Sophie will be Flea Free!!!