I was interviewed tonight by our local Channel 13 News regarding Craigs List...I'll be on at 11pm. We had a Yarn MeetUp at Elliott's Coffee House tonight and in walks the Channel 13 News crew interviewing people about 'online dating' via Craigslist...they filmed us knitting and crocheting and all my friends giggled as I got interviewed. When it was over I jokingly told the news reporter that I had no problems being on TV, because, afterall, I 'came out' in High School when I said; "Mom, Dad...I'm a Thespian.".....silence and then laughter and we all rushed home to watch the news to see if I got any air time. 9 minutes to go and we'll see if my drama classes paid off. hehehe!
Let me know if you saw me on the news.
UPDATE: Do I REALLY sound like that? Hmmm...time to color my hair darker.
1 comment:
Peg said Thespain, snort! Okay so they are interviewing ladies knitting instead of say, people at a bar? Congrats on your TV spot.
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