Oh my gosh….look at all of this!
These gorgeous Hand Knit Gloves fit PERFECTLY! Love the hand sanitizer holder/key ring- cute idea to use up scrap yarn. Love The fabulous Bag and nearly matching Coffee MUG!!!
LOVE the Penzy Spice catalog and taco

Seasoning-yum and sticker! Sweet Canning labels and yes…I make freezer jam, so those freezer jars will come in handy!!!!
Your Recipes…I am going to try them, the Wash Cloth (adorable), my fave candy-Gummies-YUMMO! Oh…I adore The cute Pug magnet…yes! I love the fun deco tape, cool tweezers (for stickers for sure), the Scrapbook Book…love her!
I love ALL THIS YARN you spoiled me with! I love the Lime Green (fave color) Sharpie and Pad and Memos, the lime paper clips, the t-pins, the jump rings, the way cool Fabric, and last but not least….the Vintage sugar and creamer.
Now…as you can see in the photo the sugar dish came broken (Bad Post Man), but My Hubby can/will fix it almost like new and I will proudly display it on my shelf.
Oh….and your letter was so sweet. You outdid yourself. REALLY…SO VERY THANKFUL TO YOU!
Biggest Hugs!