July 18, 2014

Post Op appointment...

Dr. Fontana is tickled by my success so far. He said I lost 14 lbs since HE has had me as a patient on my liquid diet and realized how much I lost before even seeing him. (36 total). He said in 6 months I should be at 1/2 my Goal Weight and in 10-12 months...GOAL!!!

He said I can start driving again, exercise 15 mins a day for a week, then bump it up each week until I am at 45 minutes. I am now o...n Stage 3: soft foods and start protein drinks for breakfast other 2 meals protein is to come from food. Eat tiny bites, slowly. Start on white fish. Chicken can start next week. Increase H2O! Back on vitamins too and Gall Bladder meds.

Oh, and allergies seem so much better! Yay me! I go back in 3 weeks.

Happy and feeling Fabulous!

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