August 24, 2014

It's easy being GREEN!

So, I was reading 'Life at Cobble Hill Farm' (Staci's Blog) and came across this. She is talking about making small changes to Go Green.To my surprise, I have done all these things on her list!

10 Tiny Changes You Can Make

  1. Invest in glass food storage {w/BPA-free lids}-Done!
  2. Make your own laundry detergent.-Done!
  3. Use metal or wood cooking utensils.-Done!
  4. Buy local.-Done!
  5. Ride Your bike or walk.-in the process of walking. Planning on riding my bike come Spring?
  6. Keep your refrigerator and freezer at least half full.-Done!
  7. Recycle ink and toner cartridges.-Done!
  8. Compost anything you can.-Done!
  9. Grow some of your own veggies and fruit.-Done!
  10. Switch to stainless steel water bottles.-Done!

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